CONFIRM_REPLACE = """\ #为数不多的button判断Do you want to replace the contents of "%(FILE)s" with the selected text? Yes = overwrite No = append Cancel = end script"""message = CONFIRM_REPLACE % { 'FILE' : "filename" } prompt = "Replace contents" buttons = BUTTON_YESNOCANCEL result = crt.Dialog.MessageBox(message, prompt, buttons)if result == IDYES: fileMode = "w"elif result == IDNO: fileMode = "a"
crt.Dialog.Prompt( #超级有用的在用户这获取数据的方式 "Save selected text to File:", "SecureCRT - Save selected text to file", "MyFile.txt")
tab = crt.GetScriptTab()tab.Session.LogFileName #如果在CRT中设置了log文件名,这个函数可以把它读取出来#可以直接取到log的文件名获取系统当前的前缀名
SCRIPT_TAB = crt.GetScriptTab()rowIndex = SCRIPT_TAB.Screen.CurrentRowcolIndex = SCRIPT_TAB.Screen.CurrentColumn - 1prompt = SCRIPT_TAB.Screen.Get(rowIndex, 0, rowIndex, colIndex)#获取当前行,当前列的数据,即该服务器的前缀,与waitfor配套prompt = prompt.strip()
def CaptureOutputOfCommand(command, prompt): if not crt.Session.Connected: return "[ERROR: Not Connected.]" # First, send the command to the remote. SCRIPT_TAB.Screen.Send(command + '\r') #输入命令 cmmand 然后回车 # Second, wait for the carriage return to be echoed by the remote device. # This allows us to capture only the output of the command, not the line # on which the command was issued (which would include the prompt + cmd). # If you want to capture the command that was issued, simply comment out # the following line of code. SCRIPT_TAB.Screen.WaitForString('\r'#等待命令输完后,服务器给的回应,这样可以不是获取行,而是获取输出 # Now that the command has been sent, use Screen.ReadString to capture # all the data that is received up to the point at which the shell # prompt appears (the captured data does not include the shell prompt). return SCRIPT_TAB.Screen.ReadString(prompt) #获取直到prompt出现时的所有数据
filename = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'output.txt') #~/output.txtfp = open(filename, "wb+")screenrow = crt.Screen.CurrentRow - 1 readline = crt.Screen.Get(screenrow, 1, screenrow, 20) #把当前行的1~20个字符取出来 fp.write(readline + os.linesep) #把取出的那一行加行尾符写到文件中
import os import csv #excel modulefileobj = open(filename, 'wb')worksheet = csv.writer(fileobj) worksheet.writerow(items[:2]) fileobj.close(
SSH:cmd = "/SSH2 /L %s /PASSWORD %s /C 3DES /M MD5 %s" % (user, passwd, host)crt.Session.Connect(cmd) #ssh -L user password hostTelnet:crt.Session.Connect("/TELNET 2034") # telnet"/S \"" + session + "\"") #如果这个session在CRT里存在,无论是Telnet还是SSH都能连
调试工具 CRT中的print
crt.Dialog.MessageBox("Nothing to save!")